We will strive for the well-being of society and our employees by continuing to grow as a “business development Shosha group”.

* We define a “business development Shosha group” as a company that contributes to the maintenance and development of our customers’ business foundation and infrastructure by proactively identifying social and customer issues and creatively developing unique products and solutions that solve those issues.
President and Representative Director Hideshige Tsubouchi President and Representative Director Hideshige Tsubouchi

First of all, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continued support.

We, Tokyo Boeki Group, are an independent corporate group consisting of domestic and overseas operating companies with diverse characteristics under Tokyo Boeki Holdings Corporation. With the “Spirit of Management Participated by All” at its core, which fosters a sense of unity within the group, the company promotes management that brings together the collective strengths of the group while each company develops its business autonomously and thrives. By doing so, we aim to achieve sustainable growth by increasing the brand power and competitiveness of the entire group and providing new value to society.

The global economy is facing an unprecedented phase. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, instability in the Middle East, and rising global prices in the aftermath of the pandemic have had a major impact on monetary policy in many countries. In the U.S., the development of AI technology has revitalized the semiconductor market, supporting the overall economy, and their stock prices are on an upward trend. On the other hand, the Chinese economy is still in uncertainty due to deteriorating real estate market conditions and declining production demand.

Meanwhile, in Japan, corporate performance is improving as prices are being passed on to end-users against a backdrop of sharply rising raw material costs. In addition, the rise in consumer prices affected the labor market, resulting in the increase in wages. In response to these economic conditions, the Bank of Japan made a historic policy shift, raising interest rates for the first time in 17 years.

In this fluctuating economic and technological environment, Tokyo Boeki Group is focusing on four business segments – Energy Infrastructure, Image Solutions, Material Supply, and Smart Manufacturing – to build a presence in the global market.

Celebrating its 77th anniversary, Tokyo Boeki Group will continue to fearlessly challenge change and pursue innovation in its culture of freedom and openness. We also aim for sustainable growth and contribution to society so that our stakeholders can lead safe and secure lives, economies, and social activities.

We sincerely ask for your continued support and cooperation.

Tokyo Boeki Holdings Corporation
President and Representative Director

Hideshige Tsubouchi